It's actually worse than that.
One time, I was shopping for fabric online (I love have great prices and I can always find a % off coupon at I accidentally fell in love with some (someone please tell me that happens to you) that would be PERFECT, times a million, for my bathroom, which was sadly SADLY in need of a shower curtain. We'd been using a plain old beige liner since we moved in, folks. Which was, um, three and a half years ago. I just hadn't found the perfect one...(until now).
So, I found this fabric, it was perfect, and I bought it. And then I read more about it--wrong way around, I know. "Dry clean only?!? Seriously?!?"
What's a girl to do? The fabric was perfect, after all. So I made that shower curtain. (I followed Ashley's tutorial over at Make It and Love It--I can't say enough about how much I love her blog!) I got a little extra fabric so I could match the pattern--since my roses were so huge, I knew it would look funny if I didn't.
Once I got the patterns matched, the rest was easy peasy lemon squeezy--you should try it! I threw it up on my shower with a clear plastic liner (the old beige one made the colors look funny because there's a window behind it) and have not stopped grinning about it since. I might even shriek and hop around a little sometimes. Thankfully, my family is fond of my

So, what's the point? I'm going to wait until I HAVE TO wash this. I will hand wash it with Woolite and air dry it. I will probably have to iron it too (gasp!). And it may be ruined after that! I sure hope not...but alas, I don't know yet.
But it is worth it! The happiness I have felt from having this curtain that I made myself and I love love love love, is worth the risk. And I'm optimistic enough to hope I can keep it forever. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart.
I'd love to hear what you think in the comments--even if you think I'm CrAaAzy!