We are a little bit obsessed with Phineas and Ferb at my house. I think the show is HILARIOUS and so do my kids. We laugh at different things, but we all like to watch. It hit me when I was trying to plan a birthday party for my almost 4-year-old that Phineas and Ferb would be a perfect theme for him. I asked him what he thought and got an ecstatic "YES!!!!"
So we cooked up an invitation:
So we cooked up an invitation:
The inside has the party deets, and finishes the "I know what we're going to do today" phrase: Hey Ferb, I know what we're going to do...on {the date of the party}. Unfolded, Perry looks like this:
I created several printables (like this invitation) along with this party, planning to share them. Unfortunately, Disney's copyright department makes it really difficult to get permission for these things! So in 4-6 weeks when I find out if I can legally share them, hopefully I will be putting up links for you to download!
Fishing with Nosie
This game was fun and so easy! I printed some fish on colored paper and attached paper clips to them. We pilfered the dowels living in our window tracks (keeping us safe from outside intruders), tied some bakers' twine to them, and taped super strong magnets (leftover from this project) to the ends. We put the paper fish in our empty swimming pool (with Nosey the Lake Nose Monster--Season 2, episode 1--Sitting in the middle) The objective was to see how many fish they could "catch" in 30 seconds. This was one of the favorite activities--especially with our littlest guests.
Our lawn took a while to recover from that empty swimming pool sitting there for an hour: be warned! Find a shady spot if you can, where it won't get so hot and kill the grass!
Want the fish printable?
Silhouette Studio
Just print them out on colored cardstock and cut them out! Hopefully someday I can share the Nosey printable.
Thumb Wars
Buford and Phineas have a major thumb war show down in the episode "Raging Bully" (season 1). Ours was a little less organized, but still a lot of fun! Did I mention easy? I'm all about simple party games.
Fireside Girl Patches
I made patches for each of our activities so that the kids would be able to earn them--just like Isabella and her Fireside Girl friends are always doing. I also made sashes out of butcher paper so we could staple the badges on after completing each activity.
It was a cute idea, really. Unfortunately, the butcher paper sashes were just annoying for the kids--always falling off and getting in the way! We ditched them half way through the first activity. Meh.
If I did it again, I would buy a couple of yards of felt at the fabric store (not the little squares, but the by-the-bolt stuff) and make the sashes out of that.
Hopefully, a printable with all the badges will be available soon (pretty please, Disney?)
Pin the Hat on Perry
No explanation needed, really. A secret agent platypus needs his hat!
Again, hopefully, I'll be able to put the files I created to make the poster and the hats up.
Present-inator Pinata
Dr. Doofenshmirtz has been at it again. He's created the Present-inator to take away all of the presents in the Tri-State Area!!! Because of course, he never received any presents in all of his sad childhood. Ocelots aren't really into giving gifts, you know.
Luckily, Agent P is on the case, but he needs our help! Can the party guests take down the -inator while Perry takes down Doof?
We had lots of littles, and I didn't want them to be trampled in the mad scramble for pinata candy. So we made some treat bags for each of them:
I have the tags, which come in 6 colors, for you to download:
Cute huh? Well, let's just say, sidewalk chalk? In a pinata? An incredibly unbreakable pinata...
I don't suggest it.
Why wouldn't it break?
We built it around the ribs of a box. I cut out as much as I could without completely losing the box shape, then we wrapped the strips of papier mache around it. We did leave the bottom in--turns out 12 treat bags with bubbles and play-doh get heavy!
At any rate, we had to have the teenage uncle try to break the thing...and it took several whacks!!
And a broken stick (I recommend using a real bat...).
So the kids might have lost interest, and their chalk was smashed, the bubbles leaked, and some of the candy was ruined. Perhaps your Present-inator could be round (use a balloon as the base for your papier mache!)
I do, however, think my handsome honey did an amazing job designing and making the -inator's ray gun. Don't you?
Brobot Races
As you can see, the "sacks" are just $1 Pillowcases I bought at a thrift store. Sweet!
Other Game Ideas:
I always run out of time and have to leave stuff out, but I have a couple more ideas to share with you!
Squirt that Gelatin Monster
In "Day of the Living Gelatin" (Season 2, Episode 6), The kids' giant pool of gelatin comes to life thanks to Dr. D. The kids defeat the gelatin monster by spraying him with squirt guns. I was planning on painting said monster on a sheet (also purchased at a thrift store) using the paint we made for this post, hoping there would be some nice smearing and melting when the kids squirted him. If you try it, let me know how it works, okay?
Wrap Your Mummy
In "Are You My Mummy?" (Season 1, Episode 13), Phineas and Ferb get a bit carried away thinking about how fun it would be to have a real live mummy for a friend. So I thought, why not see how fast the kids can wrap a partner with toilet paper? You KNOW they would get a kick out of unwrapping the rolls!
Party Food
be honest, parties are a lot of work. For me, the FUN work is not the
food (unlike Jamie--have you seen her party food?) So my parties
involve a lot of easy peasy-slash-store bought things. Lucky for me,
there are lots of Phineas and Ferb themed goodies that kids love!Perry Doonkleberry Cake-Dr. Doofenshmirtz always had doonkleberry cake back in Drusselstein, so I mixed some bright purple sprinkles into my gluten free coconut cake. Can I just mention how exquisite this cake recipe is? If you have someone in your life that needs to eat gluten free, this sucker will rock their world. Just sayin.
I called in the experts on my Perry cake--Jamie and her cute husby Carson helped me out (thanks guys!!) I baked the cake as a 9 x 13, then cut it in half, and layered it with some frosting in the middle. Jamie put a small sized bag of coconut into a ziploc with some teal food gel and squashed it all around until the coconut was Perry-colored. The eyes, bill, flippers, and "beaver tail" were expertly crafted from fondant by Carson. The actual iris/pupil of the eye required only a sharpie (and we wouldn't let anyone eat them). They did such a fantastic job, and really made Perry come alive--thank you thank you thank you Jamie and Carson!
Fireside Girl Cookies- True Phineas and Ferb fans will be up in arms on this one. I know, I know. The fireside girls don't sell cookies. They sell CUPCAKES! ("Don't Even Blink," Season 2, Episode 8). But I had a package of Oreos in my cupboard (miraculously uneaten), and I didn't have any extra time for cupcakes. Sorry guys!
Gogurt--Alas, the Gogurt has nothing to do with the show, but it does have Phineas, Ferb, their friends, and fun trivia on each tube! Plus my kiddos LOVE these.
Platypus Food--Don't you think Muddy Buddies look like the food they feed Perry on the show? Candace will tell you though, that the buddies taste a lot better! ("Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat" Season 1, Episode 31). Check out the recipe at the recipe at the Chex website.
Fruit Snacks
Again, I plead easy. These were gone in a flash, too.
Gelatin Jigglers
Again drawing from "Day of the Living Gelatin" (Season 2, Episode 6), when there's both a gelatin monster running rampant and a gelatin sculpture in the shape of Jeremy's head, we had to have Jigglers. Extra-specially since we already had a mold with many of our favorite characters (thanks to my excellent sister-in-law who also brought the platypus food--thanks!!!) I'm sure guests at the party who hadn't watched P&F extensively thought it odd that I kept using the generic term for Jell-O, but for those of us who know the show, I HAD to do it!
As always, I would love love LOVE to hear about any adventure in which you use my ideas (or even ones in which you don't--why not?!?). Shoot me an e-mail, or link your post in the comments, even leave us a picture on our Facebook Page!!

I am SOOOOOOOO excited! I've been scouring Pinterest, this is one of the best pages I've come across!!! Thank you, thank you!!! I'm also so inspired by your Perry cake! I can't tell you how excited I am. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I am so GLAD you like it! I would really really love to see what you end up doing!
DeleteWith these themed decorations, birthday parties can become more elaborate and lively. These themed birthday parties can give an unforgettable experience to little toddlers. I also love to give surprise parties to my kids and this Halloween, I am planning to arrange a party at my home. The whole party will be based on spider man theme. I have already taken suggestion on gaming activities from http://www.partykidz.ie/party1.html. The staff will be present at my home and they will be having the responsibility of arranging all the decorations and activities. I hope the party will turn out to be great.
ReplyDeleteLove! Are You Able To Share The Invite Template?
ReplyDeleteShoot me an e-mail (adriane at oneluckypickle dot com) and let me know if you'd like a Silhouette file or a .pdf and I will send it on over!!
DeleteHi Adriane, did you ever find out if you are able to share the invite template? I have searched high and low for an awesome P&F birthday invite and yours is by far the best!
ReplyDeleteThanks a bunch!
Hey Alana! Thanks so much! If you will send me an e-mail (in the comments above) I can send that right to you!
Deletehi, could share invitation template ?
ReplyDeletemy mail is enish_nsb@hotmail.com
thank you very much
I sent it to you! I would love to see how your party turns out. Have fun!
DeleteWould you mind sending me the template for the invitations please? kjw2586@aol.com Thank you! you have such cute ideas
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU! We had a Phineas and Ferb party for my son's fifth birthday today, and I had a Presentinator of my own thanks to this great website. The kids loved it--what a fantastic idea!
ReplyDeleteWe also planned for Wrap Your Mummy, but hit a snag when none of the kids wanted to be wrapped in toilet paper (I don't know if they didn't like the idea of being wrapped up or if it was an "ewwww, toilets" thing). So instead, my husband had a brilliant idea for a variant--they wrapped HIM in toilet paper (arms, torso, and feet), and he chased them around the house groaning their names just like Candace did in the episode. They had so much fun that they wanted to keep playing long after my husband collapsed on the couch from exhaustion, so they wrapped me up and I took a turn. It was great! Thank you so much again for these terrific ideas!
My goodness--you made my day with this comment. I am so glad that you had such a rousing success with the mummy wrap! I can totally imagine it, and it makes me so happy. Thank you!
DeleteI really enjoy simply reading all of your weblogs. Simply wanted to inform you that you have people like me who appreciate your work. Definitely a great post I would like to read this. ideas for kids party games
ReplyDeletePhineas and Ferb Party! It looks fantastic. I fell in love with the party at the very first glance. Thanks for these photos my friend. I am thinking to host my nephew’s 10th birthday at one of his favorite event venue NYC. This will be best theme for his birthday celebrations.
ReplyDeleteHi there! I sent you an email from my hotmail email address...I'm hoping you can send me the template for the invitations. Are you still able to do so? Thanks! ~Katie
ReplyDeleteOh how adorable! Thank you for the AMAZING ideas! My daughter LOVES Phineas and Ferb and I have been looking everywhere for party ideas which I have finally found! Are you able to share the template for the invitations? If so that would be amazing! My email is rb43095@gmail.com. thanks again!!
ReplyDeleteI love your ideas and I'm going to adapt some for my 9 year old's birthday. Thanks for sharing! Do you have the patches that you would be willing to share? Thanks! elevenelephants at gmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAre you able to share the template for the invitations? If so that would be amazing! My email is rmjackson@mdanderson.org. Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteHi Adriane, can you please send me the invite template to jsung29@gmail.com. been looking for an easy yet adorable one and yours looks great.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Hi Adriane,
ReplyDeleteCan you please send the invite template. My email is kmiles79@comcast.net. Every idea was great! Thanks again